Speed up Python with CFFI

2023-05-13 (last update on 2023-05-20)

A real-life example script

When I stumbled over the Android keyboard "8VIM" (not really related to vim), I noticed that the included keyboard layout for the German language wasn't designed for German at all. It seems to be the English layout with German umlauts added. I searched for a better German layout and found this great layout optimizer: 8vim_keyboard_layout_calculator. It's written in Python and can optimize not only for a certain language but also for combinations of multiple languages, for example 80 % German and 20 % English.

Screenshot of the 8VIM keyboard

Screenshot of the 8VIM keyboard for Android

The only pain point is that it takes a lot of time calculating a score for millions of possible keyboard layouts. With the default configuration, the script runs forever (="too long to wait for it") using CPython (the "default" Python interpreter). But the author of that project recommends PyPy. In case you don't know PyPy: It's a faster Python interpreter with a built-in just-in-time compiler. The script finishes in about 13 minutes (on my laptop) using PyPy.

In this article I'm going to show how to speed up the optimizer even further by rewriting the bottlenecks in C and calling them using CFFI (C Foreign Function Interface).

Profile the current state

Let's use cProfile for obtaining a profile on function level and use the PyPy interpreter as reference.

pypy3 -m cProfile --sort=tottime main.py > cProfile_pypy_full.txt

The functions the script spends the most time in:

9818987476 function calls (9818986189 primitive calls) in 1993.894 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
       42 1535.444   36.558 1938.753   46.161 main.py:750(getLayoutScores)
800938549  171.257    0.000  171.257    0.000 {method 'as_integer_ratio' of 'float' objects}
6981740769   87.377    0.000   87.377    0.000 {built-in function ord}
      283   44.404    0.157  249.999    0.883 statistics.py:123(_sum)
      283   30.327    0.107  287.821    1.017 statistics.py:295(mean)
    11064   29.921    0.003   33.954    0.003 {method 'extend' of 'list' objects}
      283   28.593    0.101   28.593    0.101 main.py:833(<listcomp>)
       22   19.125    0.869   53.077    2.413 main.py:856(combinePermutations)
  1505949   16.920    0.000   17.439    0.000 main.py:727(testSingleLayout)
800938832   16.794    0.000  188.051    0.000 statistics.py:219(_exact_ratio)
800938832    7.489    0.000    7.489    0.000 main.py:830(<genexpr>)
423399000    4.033    0.000    4.033    0.000 main.py:861(<genexpr>)
  4463268    0.705    0.000    0.705    0.000 {method 'join' of 'str' objects}
     4805    0.454    0.000    0.950    0.000 main.py:897(performLetterSwaps)
       60    0.135    0.002    0.303    0.005 main.py:621(getPermutations)
        2    0.127    0.063   18.553    9.277 main.py:866(greedyOptimization)
       93    0.126    0.001    0.244    0.003 main.py:493(getBigrams)
       27    0.122    0.005    0.122    0.005 {built-in function compile}
       65    0.050    0.001  316.470    4.869 main.py:817(getTopScores)

You can see that most time is spent in the function getLayoutScores. cumtime is the time from entering a function until returning from a function (all function calls added up). tottime excludes the time spent in subfunctions. The difference between these two numbers (about 403 seconds) seems to be mostly the time for executing getTopScores. But if you look close at the code inside getLayoutScores, you see that the inner for-loops look like a copy of the content of the function testSingleLayout. For a "fair" profiling result, I have replaced this code with a testSingleLayout function call (see the diff of this change in my fork of the project). This causes about 20 million additional function calls. This might be the reason the original code doesn't call a function here.

After this change, the code runs even a few seconds faster (minus 8 seconds, tested with PyPy, might be variance). That's the result of running the profiler again:

10242476276 function calls (10242474989 primitive calls) in 2200.136 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
424994749 1744.985    0.000 1822.728    0.000 main.py:727(testSingleLayout)
800938549  170.613    0.000  170.613    0.000 {method 'as_integer_ratio' of 'float' objects}
6981740769   77.744    0.000   77.744    0.000 {built-in function ord}
      283   45.276    0.160  249.591    0.882 statistics.py:123(_sum)
      283   32.929    0.116  289.950    1.025 statistics.py:295(mean)
    11064   30.421    0.003   34.578    0.003 {method 'extend' of 'list' objects}
      283   27.972    0.099   27.972    0.099 main.py:827(<listcomp>)
       42   20.249    0.482 2140.581   50.966 main.py:750(getLayoutScores)
       22   19.739    0.897   54.315    2.469 main.py:850(combinePermutations)
800938832   16.300    0.000  186.914    0.000 statistics.py:219(_exact_ratio)
800938832    7.423    0.000    7.423    0.000 main.py:824(<genexpr>)
423399000    4.157    0.000    4.157    0.000 main.py:855(<genexpr>)
  4463268    0.745    0.000    0.745    0.000 {method 'join' of 'str' objects}
     4805    0.499    0.000    1.036    0.000 main.py:891(performLetterSwaps)
        2    0.145    0.072   21.578   10.789 main.py:860(greedyOptimization)
       60    0.131    0.002    0.304    0.005 main.py:621(getPermutations)
       27    0.129    0.005    0.129    0.005 {built-in function compile}
       93    0.122    0.001    0.230    0.002 main.py:493(getBigrams)
       65    0.049    0.001  317.975    4.892 main.py:811(getTopScores)

Now it's obvious that the function testSingleLayout eats up most of the time and thus it might be worth replacing it with a faster version of it in C.

Migrate the bottleneck to C

Write the C code

The C code looks not much different than the Python code of this function:


#include "cffi_extension.h"

double test_single_layout(char* layout, int layout_length, Bigram* bigrams,
                          int bigrams_count, double* score_list)
    int ascii_array[256] = {0};
    for (int j = 0; j < layout_length; j++) {
        ascii_array[(unsigned char)layout[j]] = j;

    double score = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < bigrams_count; i++) {
        Bigram bigram = bigrams[i];
        int row = ascii_array[bigram.letter1AsciiCode];
        int column = ascii_array[bigram.letter2AsciiCode];
        score += bigram.frequency * score_list[row*32 + column];
    return score;

The main differences:


typedef struct Bigram {
    int letter1AsciiCode;
    int letter2AsciiCode;
    double frequency;
} Bigram;

double test_single_layout(char* layout, int layout_length, Bigram* bigrams,
                          int bigrams_count, double* score_list);

Call the C code in the Python script

First, we need a build script for our C extension:


from cffi import FFI
ffibuilder = FFI()

typedef struct Bigram {
    int letter1AsciiCode;
    int letter2AsciiCode;
    double frequency;
} Bigram;
double test_single_layout(char* layout, int layout_length, Bigram* bigrams,
                          int bigrams_count, double* score_list);

ffibuilder.set_source("_cffi_extension",  # name of the output C extension
    #include "cffi_extension.h"

if __name__ == "__main__":

This looks quite similar to the example in the official Python CFFI documentation.

Execute it with (to compile the C code):

pypy3 ./testSingleLayout_extension_build.py

This creates these files:

The last one is the one we actually use in our Python script. By the way, this library works only with PyPy. If you want to use an extension in CPython, you need to build it with CPython (python ./cffi_extension_build.py).

In the Python script (main.py), the library must be imported before using it:

from cffi._cffi_extension.lib import test_single_layout
from cffi._cffi_extension import ffi

Further steps:

LINEAR_SCORE_LIST = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(SCORE_LIST))
bigr_count = len(bigrams)
bigr = ffi.new("Bigram[]", bigr_count)
for i, b in enumerate(bigrams):
    bigr[i].letter1AsciiCode = b.letter1AsciiCode
    bigr[i].letter2AsciiCode = b.letter2AsciiCode
    bigr[i].frequency = b.frequency
char_list = permutatedLayout.encode('latin1')

The actual function call:

permutatedScore = test_single_layout(char_list, len(permutatedLayout), bigr, bigr_count, LINEAR_SCORE_LIST)

See all changes as a diff in commit f319dd6 in my fork of 8vim_keyboard_layout_calculator.

Run the optimizer again

With all the changes above applied, the optimizer now needs 9m20s to complete. That's about 28 % less than the original code.

Let's run the profiler again:

3685799907 function calls (3685798615 primitive calls) in 616.013 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
       42  245.056    5.835  575.001   13.690 main.py:760(getLayoutScores)
800938549  171.205    0.000  171.205    0.000 {method 'as_integer_ratio' of 'float' objects}
      283   44.527    0.157  249.782    0.883 statistics.py:123(_sum)
      283   33.062    0.117  290.387    1.026 statistics.py:295(mean)
    11064   30.327    0.003   34.429    0.003 {method 'extend' of 'list' objects}
      283   27.182    0.096   27.182    0.096 main.py:854(<listcomp>)
       22   20.487    0.931   54.913    2.496 main.py:877(combinePermutations)
800938832   16.331    0.000  187.536    0.000 statistics.py:219(_exact_ratio)
800938832    7.536    0.000    7.536    0.000 main.py:851(<genexpr>)
425062726    6.267    0.000    6.267    0.000 {method 'encode' of 'str' objects}
426654096/426653914    6.167    0.000    6.167    0.000 {built-in function len}
423399000    4.102    0.000    4.102    0.000 main.py:882(<genexpr>)
        2    1.771    0.885    2.789    1.394 main.py:887(greedyOptimization)
  4463269    0.712    0.000    0.712    0.000 {method 'join' of 'str' objects}
     4805    0.434    0.000    0.930    0.000 main.py:940(performLetterSwaps)
       60    0.127    0.002    0.304    0.005 main.py:627(getPermutations)
       93    0.121    0.001    0.226    0.002 main.py:499(getBigrams)
       28    0.112    0.004    0.112    0.004 {built-in function compile}
       65    0.049    0.001  317.623    4.887 main.py:838(getTopScores)

Now it's harder to see how to go on. Most time is spent in getLayoutScores. But of that time, most time (cumtime - tottime ≈ 330 seconds) is spent in subfunctions. And most of that time is spent in getTopScores. (You can guess this by looking into the code of getLayoutScores.) getTopScores also contains the calls to statistics.py (lines 3 and 4 in the profiling table). That's why we next migrate getTopScores to C.

Migrate getTopScores to C

Same procedure as for testSingleLayout. I won't copy the functions here. Just have a look at the diff of commit b0473b2.

The interesting parts of this migration

A function can't return a tuple of a tuple and an array in C (as the Python version of this function does). So we pass additional pointers as input arguments which allow the function to modify the objects the pointers point to.

We can't simply pass a list of strings (for the layouts) to the new C function. We need to create a list of char[] ffi objects and then an ffi pointer to that list:

bytes_layouts = [ffi.new("char[]", layout.encode("latin1")) for layout in layouts]
layouts_pointer = ffi.new("char*[]", bytes_layouts)

This char*[] object is compatible with the char** parameter expected by get_top_scores.

The Python version of getTopScores creates a list of indices of the layouts/scores to keep. This list is replaced with a shorter version of it via list comprehension multiple times. The C replacement indices_to_keep doesn't shrink. It simply sets additional indices to zero in every loop iteration.

In some calls to get_top_scores the layout_count is greater than 20 million. That's why we need to use the long data type. And we can't create such large arrays on the stack. So we have to use malloc to create the indices_to_keep array on the heap.

Final result

With all the changes above applied, the optimizer now needs 5m56s to complete. That's about 54 % less than the original code or more than double as fast.

Glitchy-Tozier asked me to change some things when he reviewed my pull request. One change had a great impact on performance:

I had transformed SCORE_LIST – a list of arrays – into a one-dimensional list before passing it to test_single_layout (because I didn't know how pass a nested array to a CFFI function). This made it necessary to calculate the index of the flattened list which cost some performance.

After the changes made in commit 1814d6c the optimizer needs only 4m16s. Thus, now it's three times as fast as without CFFI extension.